Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A little motivation for Chad...

I know most of you watched the remake of the classic "Chad Throws a Fit". I was thinking today how different that video could have been if he had been a good fisherman and actually caught the fish, instead of letting it abuse him all summer. In anticipation of the the hostilities that will inevitably be renewed this season, I wanted to provide my good buddy with a little motivation. Sometimes you have to visualize your dreams. Here you go - print it out and tape it to the bathroom mirror.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another classic remake...

So, I thought this video of a cutthroat caught on a hopper would look pretty cool in slow motion. Seeing how the fish moves when he's fighting against the rod is fairly awesome. This season we are going to be bringing some much higher quality vids, so be ready. Also, most of you probably want to know where you can get the sweet background music. You'll have to ask Chad, I pulled it straight from his iPod. It was under "All-time Favorites."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Old Classic, New Awesomeness

So most of our avid readers will remember the culmination of Chad's feud with The Big Bad Brown last summer.  It still makes me laugh every time, but I realized it could be enhanced to tell more of the story.  So, here for your viewing pleasure, is the digitally remastered classic:

Friday, March 12, 2010


So here's the question - if Chad has a baker's dozen of some of the best midge patterns ever tied, and if an insane midge hatch comes off while he's carrying said flies, can he catch fish?  Or will we get the usual excuses?  Tune in on Monday night for the conclusion to this riveting drama...